Awards & Accolades

A.P. Prathibha Awards

Our school is proud to be recognized as a leader in the education sector. Our commitment to academic excellence and holistic student development has garnered numerous awards and accolades over the years. We are honored to share some of our notable achievements:

Andhra Pradesh Government Prathibha Awards

Manju Sree 2014
B.Kalyan 2017
Khaja Muneer 2017
Lavanya 2018

Brainfeed E-Tech Awards

  • - Consistently ranked among the top 500 schools in India for Academic Excellence since 2014

National Level Handwriting Awards

  • - A. Saranya (2022)
  • - Chirang Sivangi (2024)

KSAT (Kalam Scientific Aptitude Test)

State Ranks:

  • - 1st: V. Rajanandini
  • - 2nd: P. Midhilesh
  • - 3rd: Sk. Yunus
  • - 5th: Bala Sai Ram
  • - 9th: Yashwin

Olympiad Exams

  • - Our students have also received numerous awards in various Olympiad exams, demonstrating their academic prowess and excellence.